New. Life.

I have sustained scars: That won’t seem to disappear

Locked behind a personal prison bar

Because I just can’t cope: with the atmosphere

Then the dust settled: Just a little more than before

& like melting metal: Hardened sin came sliding from my core

Making me sweat: As death dripped onto the floor

He promised new life: But this is more

More than I could have ever: Bargained for

So I have found: The art in silence

And the strength: In being alone

The mystery of Your majesty: Makes me moan

As I think of my judgement: Being cast at Your throne

Then the dust settled: Just a little more than before

& like melting metal: Hardened sin came sliding from my core

Making me sweat: As death dripped onto the floor

He said be renewed: By a transformed mind

So I no longer sing the blues: Because Jesus hung and died

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